Kevin Dam, Aemorph
One of my favorite tactics I learned a few years back was to create an industry report showing all the different tactics, information, ads, content created, offers provided, social presence about the leader in a particular niche. The purpose of this was multiple folds: to learn intimately about the niche I want to work with, understand what's working and what isn't, reverse engineer, and create a plan to beat the #1 player. We would then send this report as a lead magnet to competitors who are also spending on advertising or doing some form of marketing and invite them to an "Industry Reveal" event. This event would position us as the knowledgeable experts of the industry and allow prospects to learn from us, ask us questions, pick our brains, build trust and rapport. The presentation would include some of the recommendations to beat the #1 player, but not everything, and we're focusing on our repeatable systems and processes. The amazing thing about these events is showing a potential marketing play to every prospect who wants to also beat #1 in the market, and we're putting their ego up against each other on who's going to take action first. In addition, it would give us an opportunity to interview and weed out prospects who aren't serious about growing their business or just don't have the investment ready on hand to make waves and beat their competition.