People usually hesitate when making the decision to leave a job they do not like. They do so because of the profits they are afraid to lose. But, please remember that money and stability mean nothing if you are unhappy. While counting the hours to 6:00 pm and the days to Friday, your life is passing by. Once you notice toxic relationships with colleagues or a boss, look for the best position to make you happier. Here are reasons to not postpone your life in a toxic environment.
Take Care of Your Health
Emotional stability at work affects health: blood pressure, mental strength, and the feeling of safety matter. Therefore, you must look for like-minded colleagues and employers who care about employees. If your department head breaks promises and neglects your achievements, it brings nothing but misery. If there are no attempts to change this, take care of your mental health.
Also, you should know that the development of technology has positively affected our wellness. So, do not hesitate to try a few different tools, websites, apps, videos courses or else to boost your morale and mental health.
What is your environment?
Supporting surroundings is essential to every person. It helps us go through troubles, overcome challenges, and develop. Besides, it deals with our self-estimation. Knowing that others trust and perceive us as we simplify many things. On the contrary, when one meets a toxic team, it destroys psychological wellness. Things get worse when it is your boss. In such conditions, one may think of oneself as a wrong person or skill-less specialist even if all his actions indicate the opposite. Then, depression, stress, increased anxiety, and insomnia occurs. Such a company may be relatively successful financially, but it is challenging to be inside.
How does the team become toxic?
As a rule, one first-person always spoils the relations inside the team. You may save one’s life with it and give the best result, but you will not give gratitude back. Instead, the queries grow fast. That is why it is crucial to become self-conscious and value your own time and duties. Why do I agree on certain things or allow people to do something against me and my interests? The truth you find out about yourself will give you the keys to others. You will learn to avoid manipulations, raise your confidence, and value true friendship.
Toxic boss
If the management team leader is not interested in the team’s personal growth and makes any steps, there are practically no options to improve the work.
A toxic employee is guided primarily by his interests and motives: power, worship of others, money, and special status. Consequently, he builds relations with colleagues and subordinates not taking into account the interests of the company or the service hierarchy, but from the position of “like” – “dislike” or even “trust” – “do not trust.” Thus, no good team augmentation is to be expected.
A toxic boss rarely listens to his subordinates and is convinced that he is always right. He likes to demonstrate his power and how he knows how to handle people and projects. Therefore, it would never even cross your mind to turn to him for help or support. In short, if it seems to you that your boss expects you to come to work even in death, this is a toxic tyrant boss.
Are you wasting your potential working for a toxic boss?
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How to recognize toxic signs?
Toxic people have a crisis, a conflict, or an accident and want you to solve it for them. Besides, they try to control and manipulate other people. In their company, you constantly feel they need something. They usually do not say directly but use side roads. It is hard to be next to them without preparation. Because you may reveal that the entire world is wrong, become highly critical of others, and become dissatisfied. You will never hear any positive affirmations from your party. Clearly or subtly, an idea like “You are lucky that you work here” lives in the team, especially among the middle and lower staff. So, if you heard something like this or hints of it from your boss or HR manager, this is a dangerous signal.
You never or rarely get adequate feedback on your work. If the boss talks to you, he seems rude and displeased or has something against you. You work a lot for two or three people, and this is perceived as expected. However, as soon as you talk about a salary increase, bonus, or career growth, you do not get any yes or no answer.
It is essential not to lose empathy when someone you meet daily feels sad or bad. But the toxic people do not show gratitude or any value to you. A benevolent smile on their face is a rarity. They usually complain and look for the easy path to do the job. When it is your boss, he may overuse his rights to make orders. Do not wait too long! Run away from him if you tried but could not manage your borders!
How to stop being a victim?
Unfortunately, toxic relationships are usually the result of your two-way interaction. So how do you deal with your boundaries? Do you know how to respect them? Do you suddenly get angry because you don’t feel like you’re being heard or understood?
Many companies have communication problems. For example, information can get stuck at horizontal levels or not reach subordinates from above. Companies that freely acknowledge issues, discuss them and try to solve them, albeit not always successfully. But they are working on communication.
A toxic team, on the contrary, can pretend to solve these problems with the help of, for example, active employee training, as if implying, “You don’t know how to communicate, but we’ll teach you time management now, and then (probably) everything will be decided by itself. » Or, for example, they do not pretend that they are trying to correct lousy communication but blame someone in particular or a group of employees for everything. Often someone from the middle staff or those who left long ago becomes guilty.
The first thing you need to know about toxic groups is that if being there causes you significant discomfort, don’t put up with it! It is not worth wasting your energy fighting and trying to fix something. Find yourself a new job as soon as possible and leave. Why not get involved in fixes? Because with a considerable degree of probability, you will not succeed unless you are the business owner.
Suppose you speak frankly with colleagues in such a team. In that case, you will be considered a schemer, a gossip, and they will assure you that you are delusional or paranoid. If you get into an open confrontation with a toxic colleague, or worse, a toxic boss, you will inevitably and quickly be fired. These are the laws of toxic collectives. And you will be left with a sense of guilt, a sense of your worthlessness, resentment, and powerlessness. If this has already happened, find a therapist or support from loved ones.
Don’t stay in a toxic job, hoping something will change soon only if you know for sure that the boss or employee is leaving soon. If this is not the case, do not expect any notable changes.
Make the Right Moves
However, if you decide to stay (well, you never know what reasons you may have), it would be good to play it safe and protect yourself. Here is what you can do in such a situation: Develop the attitude that you are not responsible for other people’s toxic behavior. It’s not your fault for failing to meet unrealistic deadlines and expectations.
Don’t Be Alone
Find partners who are similar to you or occupy similar positions. Enlist each other’s support. Like in the old days, in high school. Record everything, absolutely everything.
Save emails
It doesn’t matter if you use it or not in the future, but if you suddenly need to remember who said what to whom (especially in teams with poor communication), it will be better to keep the correspondence on projects. I want to say, do not take it personally, but in toxic collectives, everything happens precisely on someone’s specific personal account.
Therefore, it would be better to say this: this may be addressed to you personally, but it is not your fault that this happened. Keep in mind at all times that you are here to do your job as well as possible. And that’s it. Your job is to get the job done and go home.
Avoid Imposter Syndrome
Strictly speaking, calling it a “syndrome” is not entirely correct since such feelings do not mean any deviations in the state of mental health and are pretty natural for any person.
According to various estimates, about 70% of people on the planet feel some manifestations of the syndrome. The feeling that you achieved your success due to luck, not talent or skill, is familiar to many people in various fields – from professional to personal.
When you realize that you do not have enough skills, experience, or qualifications to have the right to be here, you are already here, and you need to find a way out because there is no turning back. Those thoughts should make you want to improve but not get stuck in your place.
Stop being undervalued and don’t waste your potential working for a toxic boss!
Why does impostor syndrome develop?
There is no single answer. Some experts believe that this is due to personal qualities. Others highlight family or behavioral reasons—no respect Between colleagues – one, between the boss and subordinates – two. Working in an unhealthy atmosphere will turn you into a neurotic and exhaust you mentally. Find an alternative if you don’t feel like going to work in the morning because of the environment and unfair bosses.
Closing Thoughts About not Wasting Your Potential Working for a Toxic Boss
If you read and notice it is about your current life situation – do not postpone your life. On the contrary, do not be afraid to develop and look for the best. You are worth it for sure! Good luck!
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