Are you interested in getting your article published on Growth Hackers? Great news, we’re accepting contributors. We decided to open up for guest posting to give our readers the opportunity to discover your content while helping you share your industry expertise. Let us give you a bit more information about what we are looking for in the sections below so please take some time to review this page. Before getting in touch with your idea, please read this information:


Write for Us: Read through our Guest Post Guidelines to Get Started

Other sites may have complicated guidelines but ours are pretty straight forward:

Topics we accept: we publish articles about business, entrepreneurship, digital marketing, leadership, branding, growth hacking, content marketing, startups, automation, etc.

Topics we do NOT accept: gambling, CBD, casino, crypto, drugs…

Length: submissions for one of our blog sections should range between 1,500 and 3,000 words. You need to submit a complete article of you want it it be approved.

Internal links: the article should have at least 3 relevant internal links directed to our blog.

External links: The post should have 3 external links directed to 3 separate authoritative and relevant resources. This can include 1 link to your site (blog posts, infographics, surveys, or something that provides value to readers). Links should not direct to the homepage or landing pages.

Author: You will need to submit an author bio as we only publish articles written by an actual person. The author needs to be a physical person, not a company. You may also include a link to your website/homepage in your bio. You need to have or create a Gravatar account (please provide the email associated with your Gravatar account).

Pricing: the publishing cost is $60. We will format your article, add relevant images, build backlinks directed to it and promote it on social media to boost its visibility. The guest post will be published within 7 working days after payment is received.


Who Can Submit An Article?

If you are a business owner, a startup founder, an entrepreneur, a digital marketer, a website editor, an experienced writer, a guest blogger or a reseller, do not hesitate to contact us and fill out the form. We’re always in look for interesting content for our target audience. We want our writers to share the tips and tricks they have learned during their career and share useful content.


What Kind Of Articles Do We Publish?

We only accept unique, educational blog posts providing practical advice to our readers. We do not accept press releases, case studies or sponsored posts. We aim to only provide high-quality, interesting and insightful content for our audience. So, if you want to write for us, please make sure that your submissions cover all our guidelines. Before you submit, look at our style guide and recent articles for insight into structuring and formatting your piece, and make sure your submission is accepted.


Why should I write for the Growth Hackers blog?

We have a domain rating of 66 on Ahrefs, we rank for 20,000+ keywords and we get tens of thousands of monthly visitors on our website so if you’re interested in getting your guest post seen by many, this is the right place to be. In addition to this, we will promote your guest posts on our social media channels. We have more than 150,000 followers among social media platforms.


Do you Accept Pre-Written Posts?

Yes, we do but only if they already follow our guidelines. Our editors will only format, schedule and SEO-optimize your blogs.


What’s the Growth Hackers’ Editorial Process?

First and foremost, please adhere to our guidelines to ensure a smooth approval publication process. Our team will work closely with you to ensure that the final version of the article you submit fits our outline. We will discuss your pitch or alternatively, we could come up with ideas for you. Please note that our team is busy so if you don’t get a reply within 24 hours, be patient. Rest assured, your pitch will be answered.


Can your Team Write Guest Posts on my Behalf?

Yes, we also have the do-it-for-you writing option. A designated writer will review what you’re looking for and create an article that follows both your our readers’ interests and search engine guidelines. However, in this case, pricing will be $150 to write the article, format it, publish it on relevant blog categories and promote it on our social media channels (Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook…).


Do you Have Examples of Guest Posts that Have been Accepted and Published?

Yes, we do have hundreds of examples to share with you. But if you want to get an idea, the best for you is to just visit our blog.


Are your Links Do-follow or No-Follow?

All our links are do-follow.


How to Write for Us_ Here are our Guest Post Guidelines to Contribute to the Growth Hackers' Blog

We Want to Hear from You! Write for us Today!

Now that you know the types of articles we accept, this is the right time to reach out to us. Become a guest post contributor by either filling out the form below or just by sending us an email at [email protected].

Thank you for showing interest in writing a guest post for Growth Hackers. We are glad you are here. Writing for us is a great way to show your expertise and establish yourself as an expert in the field.



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