Joe Rogan is best known as the host of The Joe Rogan Experience, one of the most popular podcasts in the world. In addition to being a successful comedian, actor, and TV host, he’s also known for his candid and often controversial opinions on a wide range of topics.
From his views on cannabis to his thoughts on the education system, Rogan has something to say about everything. Here are some of the best Joe Rogan quotes. But just before that, a brief biography of the man of the article.
Who is Joe Rogan?
Joe Rogan is a stand-up comedian, actor, mixed martial artist, and podcast as well as mixed martial arts host. He is perhaps best known for his role on the television show NewsRadio and his popular podcast The Joe Rogan Experience.
Rogan began his stand-up comedy career in Boston in the 1980s but soon relocated to Los Angeles. He has appeared on a number of television shows and films, including Fear Factor and The Man Show.
In addition to his comedy and acting work, Rogan is also a black belt in taekwondo and a former Ultimate Fighting Championship commentator. In recent years, Rogan has become known for his candid and often controversial opinions on politics, religion, and other topics.
He has interviewed a wide range of guests on his podcast, from scientists to celebrities to conspiracy theorists. Whether you love him or hate him, there’s no denying that Joe Rogan is one of the most fascinating people in the entertainment world today.
Some of the Best Joe Rogan Quotes to Indulge Yourself
There isn’t one aspect of Rogan’s opinion that isn’t either humorous or thought-provoking. Have a look at some of his best quotes and you’ll understand just why his words resonate so effortlessly with the masses.
1. “If you ever start taking things too seriously, just remember that we are talking monkeys on an organic spaceship flying through the universe.”
2. “In all my travels, all my life adventures; I have to say I still don’t know what life is, absolutely no clue, and it is a subject that is constantly on my mind. One thing I do know for a fact is that the nicer we are to our fellow human beings, the nicer the universe is to us.”
3. “No matter how civilized we are and how much society has curbed violent behavior. Human beings still have the same genes they had 10,000 years ago. Our bodies are designed to have a certain amount of physical stress and violence in them. We’re designed to run from jaguars and fight to defend our territory.”
4. “The Universe rewards calculated risk and passion”
In an interview with Tim Ferriss, Rogan explained his thoughts behind the quote “The universe rewards calculated risk and passion.” He explained that he has always been a risk-taker and that he believes that this has contributed to his success.
He also said that he believes that passion is essential for any kind of success. Without passion, he believes that it’s very difficult to maintain the motivation necessary to achieve your goals.
Ultimately, Rogan believes that calculated risk and passion are two of the most important ingredients for success. While there’s no guarantee of success, he believes that these qualities give you the best chance of achieving your goals.
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5. “The quicker we all realize that we’ve been taught how to live life by the people that were operating on the momentum of an ignorant past the quicker we can move to a global ethic of community that doesn’t value invented borders or the monopolization of natural resources, but rather the goal of a happier more loving humanity.”
6. “Someone else’s success doesn’t equal a failure for you.”
7. “Not all comedy clubs or situations are ideal, especially when you’re first coming up and I think that’s good for you. Eventually, you get to express your real personality.”
8. “The time you spend hating on someone robs you of your own time. You are literally hating yourself and you don’t even realize it.”
9. “Get better at whatever you’re doing. So what if you suck at it now. Everybody sucks at everything when they start. But if you love it, and don’t lie to yourself, then get better at it.”
10. “One of the most fascinating lessons I’ve absorbed about life is that the struggle is good.”
Rogan goes on to say, “It’s what makes you grow as a person. It’s what makes you strong.”
Rogan explains that it’s often our toughest experiences that teach us the most valuable lessons. Without struggle, we would never learn how to deal with adversity or develop the strength of character that we need to succeed in life. In fact, it’s often when we’re facing our darkest moments that we find out what we’re really made of.
11. “Be the hero of your own story.”
12. “We’re constantly re-evaluating the potential for life. We’re finding it where we didn’t think it could exist, such as volcanic vents and other extreme conditions like under arctic ice. We’re finding life in these incredibly harsh and dynamic conditions, so we’re having to re-evaluate our own ideas of what’s possible on this planet alone.”
13. “Having the privilege of sitting down and having 3-hour long uninterrupted conversations with hundreds of brilliant people is an awesome perspective enhancer.”
14. “This country has a mental health problem disguised as a gun problem, and a tyranny problem disguised as a security problem.”
15. “Greatness and madness are next-door neighbors and they often borrow each other’s sugar.”
Rogan notes that both states of mind are characterized by a certain intensity and single-mindedness of purpose. Greatness often requires taking risks and pushing boundaries, while madness is often characterized by a complete disregard for conventional thinking.
According to Rogan, this close relationship between the two states of mind is why so many geniuses are also considered to be mad. He noted that many of history’s greatest innovators were considered to be insane at the time, simply because they were thinking outside the box.
In conclusion, Rogan suggested that greatness and madness are two sides of the same coin and that it is often only in retrospect that we can see which is which.
16. “The key to happiness doesn’t lay in numbers in a bank account but in the way we make others feel and the way they make us feel.”
17. “If things aren’t going the way you want them to go then do something about it. Quit talking about your problems and go out and do something to fix them.”
18. “By putting yourself in that intense form of stress, makes regular life more peaceful.”
19. “The audience changes every night. You’re the same person. You have to speak your mind and do the stuff that you think is funny and makes you laugh.
20. “I realized a long time ago that instead of being jealous you can be inspired and appreciative. It carries more energy to you. That can be an awesome and motivating force that can improve your life if you choose to be inspired and not jealous. One has no benefit whatsoever, the other is an incredible resource for creating momentum and improvement.”
21. “What’s interesting about science is that we’re constantly discovering new things about the universe, about ourselves, about our bodies, about diseases, about the possibilities of the future. It’s amazing. Science is one of the coolest things about being a human being – without a doubt.”
22. “That’s my only goal. Surround myself with funny people, and make sure everyone has a good time and works hard.”
23. “Life is strange. You keep moving and keep moving. Before you know it, you look back and think, ‘What was that?’”
For many people, life is strange because it’s just a series of things happening one after the other without much thought or reflection. You’re just sort of going through the motions; before you know it, years have gone by.
It’s important to take a step back every now and then and really think about what you’re doing and why you’re doing it. Otherwise, you can end up living a life that you don’t really want to be living.
That’s not to say that you shouldn’t just enjoy the ride, but there’s a lot to be said for taking some time to reflect on your life and making sure that you’re happy with where you’re at. Otherwise, you might look back and wonder what the hell happened.
24. “Work for that feeling that you have accomplished something. Don’t waste your time on this earth without making a mark.”
25. “I love a success story, but even more than a success story. I like a dude who f*cks his life up and gets his life together again story.”
26. “If you can lie, you can act, and if you can lie to crazy girlfriends, you can act under pressure.”
27. “If you are the greatest, why would you go around talking about it?”
28. “I truly believe that in order to truly be great at something you have to give into a certain amount of madness.”
It’s time to become your best self and be successful by applying Joe Rogan quotes!
29. “If you can control what you eat, you can control all other aspects of your life.”
30. “All the time that you spend complaining, you could instead be hustling. You could be chasing your dream. You could be figuring out what you’re doing wrong and improving your life.”
Joe Rogan’s comments on complaints echo a sentiment that many people can relate to. The feeling of being stuck in a low point and seeing others around you succeed can be frustrating. It’s easy to fall into the trap of complaints, either venting to others or dwelling on what could have been.
However, as Rogan points out, this time could be better spent hustling and chasing your dream. This doesn’t mean that you should ignore your problems, but rather that you should focus on solving them.
That way, you can improve your life and maybe even achieve your dreams. So next time you feel like complaining, remember Joe Rogan’s words and try to use that time to better yourself instead.
31. “People love to see people fall.”
32. “I’ve been inspired by a shitload of people in my life so if there’s ever anybody that I can inspire, to me that’s a huge gift. To be able to turn that back around.”
33. “Here’s the craziest thing about life, this is the thing that nobody really considers. You know as much about what life is all about as anybody who’s ever lived, ever.”
34. “The misconception is that standup comics are always on. I don’t know any really funny comics that are annoying and constantly trying to be funny all the time.”
35. “Do things that are difficult. It’s very important to struggle. You don’t get to know yourself without struggle. You don’t know who you are until you get tested.”
36. “Live your life like there is a documentary crew following you around and you are analyzing your own behavior.”
37. “I see martial arts as moving forms of meditation. When you’re sparring or drilling techniques, you can’t think of anything else.”
Rogan explained that when he is sparring or practicing techniques, he is completely focused on the present moment and cannot think about anything else. This state of complete focus and concentration is similar to the state of mindfulness achieved through meditation.
Furthermore, Rogan believes that the physicality of martial arts can be beneficial for those who find it difficult to sit still for long periods of time. By moving the body and mind simultaneously, martial arts provide a more active form of meditation that can be more accessible for some people.
Ultimately, Rogan sees martial arts as a way to achieve inner peace and connect with the present moment.
38. “There’s confidence and mental toughness that comes from the highest level of competition, whatever the sport is. Whether it’s boxing or wrestling, or whatever.”
39. “A lot of times, you beat a person who beat a person who can beat you. I mean, it doesn’t make any sense.”
40. “There’s a never-ending ocean of techniques out there.”
41. “You’re sort of programmed a certain way because of your environment. That’s all you know. But we don’t have that anymore because of the internet. Because of the internet, we’re all communicating with each other all across the board, so you’re getting information from people all around the world, hitting a much more diverse slice of culture.”
42. “If you haven’t peed the bed, you haven’t taken enough chances.”
In Joe Rogan’s early days as a stand-up comedian, he would often push himself to try new things onstage in order to get laughs. This sometimes led to him saying or doing things that he later regretted, but he always tried to learn from his mistakes.
Over time, he began to realize that the best way to get better at comedy was to take chances and experiment. Even if it meant failing occasionally, he knew that it was essential to keep pushing himself outside of his comfort zone.
In recent years, he has been known for saying “If you haven’t peed the bed, you haven’t taken enough chances.” This phrase has become something of a mantra for him, and it serves as a reminder that taking risks is always worth it in the end. Whether it’s trying a new joke or simply trying something new in life, Joe Rogan believes that taking chances is the only way to truly grow and improve.
Final Thoughts on Top 42 Joe Rogan Quotes
Joe Rogan is probably the most famous and successful podcaster out there. Joe Rogan’s net worth is estimated at more than $110million so you definitely have some insight to take from him. Rogan’s quotes often emphasize the importance of living in the present moment and enjoying life. He is also a firm believer in the power of hard work and determination. You can find his mindset, philosophy and way of thinking thanks to the books Joe Rogan recommends.
For Rogan, happiness comes from within oneself and is not reliant on external factors. These quotes provide a snapshot into the mindset of one of today’s most popular public figures.
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1 Comment
The above statements and quotes from Joe r very inspiring and true. For a little more than a year I was in a very bad place in my life. I had worked hard in my business to build it up, it was something I was very proud of. But I threw it all away by making some very bad decisions to my demise,’ it was a very humiliating experience. So I do believe failure in hindsight has taught me a very valuable lesson. U can wallow in self pity, or u can learn from that to b a better person to urself as well as others and make a difference to others as well as urself. And because of that very negative ordeal I went thru, I am committed to spending the rest of my life to learn from myself, and serve others. And in reference to Joe, I truly have learned a lot about myself thru his podcast. His perspective on life is without a doubt given me a an opportunity to forgive myself as well as others. So, I hope he realizes what a need he provides to his many listeners what an influence he makes on others, and I am very thankful to him, for his words of wisdom in helping me forgive myself.