When it comes to success, it’s often said that luck has nothing to do with it. But is that true? For a long time, the conventional wisdom has been that success is all about hard work and dedication. And while there’s no denying that those things are important, they’re not the whole story.
It turns out that luck plays a surprisingly big role in success. Some of the most successful people in the world are where they are because they’ve been lucky enough to have the right opportunities come their way. Of course, that’s not to say that hard work isn’t important. The fact is, the harder you work, the luckier you’re likely to get. That’s why in this guide, we’re going to show you how to use the power of hard work to attract good luck into your life.
What is the Difference Between Hard Work and Luck?
Both hard work and luck are important success factors. Hard work is what you put into accomplishing your goals. It’s the extra effort you put into getting things done. Luck is being in the right place at the right time or having things happen by chance. While hard work and luck are important, hard work is usually the most important factor.
An old saying goes, “The harder you work, the luckier you get.” This means that if you put in the effort, you’re more likely to have things go your way. Not that luck isn’t important, but hard work usually gets you to the point where luck can even come into play.
For example, let’s say you’re trying to get a job. If you sit at home and wait for the perfect opportunity, you’re not likely to have much success. But if you get out there and start networking, going on interviews, and putting yourself out there, you’re much more likely to get the job you want eventually. In this case, hard work trumps luck.
Successful entrepreneurs like joe Ricketts also attribute their success to mostly hard work with a little luck. Of course, there are exceptions to every rule. Some people have become successful despite not working very hard. But in most cases, success comes down to putting in the effort.
How Can You Use the Power of Hard Work to Attract Good Luck Into Your Life?
Let’s say you’ve been working hard, and things aren’t going your way. What can you do to attract some good luck?
There are a few things you can try:
Visualize what you want
When you visualize what you want, you signal to the Universe about what you desire. The more specific and detailed your visualization, the better. Be sure to include all the senses in your visualization to feel real. Suppose you own a stock trading business and you want to attract more clients. In your visualization, see yourself meeting with prospective clients, shaking their hands, and signing contracts. Making your visualization as realistic as possible makes you more likely to achieve your goal. Many people act differently when they visualize what they want coming to fruition. As your visualization becomes clearer, you will start to notice synchronicities and opportunities around you that you have never noticed. Be sure to take advantage of these opportunities when they arise.
Try using affirmations
Affirmations are positive statements that you repeat to yourself daily. They are a powerful tool to help you attract what you want into your life. For example, if you want to attract more money, you can tell yourself, “I am a magnet for money. It flows to me easily and effortlessly.” Say your affirmation out loud several times a day, and make sure to believe it when you say it. The more conviction you have, the better results you’ll see. There were a lot of examples when customer committed massive fraud against business, and as a result, businesses went bankrupt. But still, some people didn’t give up and continued to work hard. Whether it is your brother’s death or an early embrace of adulthood, it is always better not to give up and to face all the challenges head on.
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Take action toward your goals
Taking action is one of the most important steps in achieving your goals. Without action, your goals are nothing more than wishes. Decide what you want to achieve, and then take steps towards making it happen. The more actions you take, the closer you reach your goal. When the penny brokers swindled Jay Gould out of his life savings, he was so impoverished that he had to live in a boarding house and do odd jobs to make ends meet. But he never gave up on his dream of making it big on Wall Street. He kept working hard and taking action, eventually becoming one of the most successful financiers of his time.
Suppose you are a house builder. You cannot build a house without first acquiring the land, getting the necessary permits, and assembling a team of workers. Once you have taken these steps, you can begin construction. But if you do not take action, your dream of owning a home will never become a reality. As the saying goes: Don’t Wish for it. Work for it.
Be positive and grateful for what you have
In life, it’s important to focus on the positive and be grateful for what you have, even if it’s not exactly what you want. When you’re positive and grateful, you signal to the Universe that you’re happy with your current circumstances. This allows you to attract more of what you want into your life. Suppose you own a business, and it’s not doing as well as you’d like. Instead of being angry and resentful, try focusing on your business’s positive aspects. Maybe you have a great team of employees, or you’re providing a service that you’re passionate about. When you focus on the positive, you’ll be able to attract more positive things into your life.
Make a lucky charm
Some people believe that having a lucky charm can help to attract good luck into their lives. If you’re looking for a little extra luck, try making your lucky charm. You can use anything that has personal meaning, such as a piece of jewelry or a trinket. Once you have your lucky charm, carry it with you or keep it where you’ll see it often. Whether it is your grandfather’s farm or something as simple as your child’s smile, focus on what is working in your life and let good luck come to you. Always talks honestly about what you feel. Be true to yourself and honest about your feelings because this will help you attract good luck.
Now is the time to work hard, get lucky and succeed!
Avoid negative people and energy vampires
If you want to attract good luck, it’s important to surround yourself with positive people. Energy vampires are those who suck the life out of you with their negativity. They are often angry, resentful, and unhappy people who try to bring others down to their level. Avoid these people to keep your energy positive and attract good luck. The big brokerage firms are loaded with energy vampires. So are many small businesses. You can’t always avoid them, but you can limit your exposure to them. While you own business, if you are always being honest with customers about the quality of your product, you will build a good reputation that can attract more customers.
Take risks
Some people are afraid to take risks, but it’s often necessary if you want to achieve success. If you’re not taking risks, you’re not moving forward in life. Of course, you need to be smart about your risks and make sure they are calculated. But don’t let fear hold you back from taking the leap and going after your dreams. When penny brokers take a risk, it’s with other people’s money. They don’t put their skin in the game. There is nothing like sudden success in life, so don’t sit on the sidelines waiting for lightning to strike. Always start your own game.
As the great Wayne Gretzky said, “You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.”
The harder you work, the luckier you get. This is especially true when it comes to taking risks. The more risks you take, the greater the chance that one of them will pay off. Of course, not every risk will be a success, but you need to take them if you want to achieve your goals.
Final Words on the Harder You Work, the Luckier You Get
Remember the story about the two farmers? The one that worked hard day in and day out, and the other that just sat on his porch all day? Which farmer do you think was luckier? It’s pretty obvious. The harder working farmer was, the luckier one. He reap the rewards of his labor while the other farmer just sat around doing nothing.
You might not think of yourself as a farmer, but the same principles apply to your life. The harder you work, the luckier you’ll get. Of course, there’s no guarantee that you’ll always be successful. But if you don’t put in the effort, you’re almost guaranteed to fail.
So, if you want to be luckier in life, start by working hard. It’s the best way to increase your chances of success. Who knows, maybe your hard work will pay off, and you’ll get lucky after all.
Growth Hackers is a unique growth hacking agency helping businesses from all over the world grow. There is no fluff with Growth Hackers. We help entrepreneurs and business owners get luckier by pushing them to work hard, generate qualified leads, optimize their conversion rate, gather and analyze data analytics, acquire and retain users and increase sales. We go further than brand awareness and exposure. We make sure that the strategies we implement move the needle so your business grow, strive and succeed. If you too want your business to reach new heights, contact Growth Hackers today so we can discuss about your brand and create a custom growth plan for you. You’re just one click away to skyrocket your business.